The Harvesters

2014 Concert Schedule

This schedule is tentative. All dates and times are subject to change. For booking information or before traveling long distances, please contact Danny Parker at 919-776-4055
5 Bennett Flatwoods Festival 451 Peachtree Road      Bennett, NC 6:00     PM 910-464-3062
6 New Hope United Methodist Church 7163 New Hope Road   Denton, NC 6:00   PM 336-857-2000
7 Glendon Christian Church 148 Glendon Church Road Glendon, NC 10:30 AM 910-464-1988
12 Williamston Pentecostal Holiness Church 904 North Haughton St  Williamston, NC 7:00     PM 252-217-2898
13 New Highland Baptist Church 9200 New Ashcake Road Mechanicsville, VA 6:30   PM 804-550-9601
14 Calvary Baptist Church 4506 GW Memorial Hwy Hayes, VA 10:30 AM &1:00 PM 804-642-5917
21 Mount Olivet Christian Church 38 Mount Olivet Church Rd Elkton, VA 10:30 AM & 1:30 PM 504-289-9702
21 Bethany Christian Church 2402 Bethany Church Rd Bumpass, VA 7:00      PM 540-872-3707
25 Chowan County Fair 1317 W. Queen Street  Edenton, NC 6:00  PM 252-485-4057
27 Putnam Baptist Church 3692 Buffalo- West  Springs Hwy

Buffalo, SC

7:00   PM 864-427-3209
28 Bethesda Baptist Church 799 Bethesda Road  Spartanburg, SC 10:30   AM 864-585-8880
28 Missionary Methodist Church 318 West Ballard Street  Cherryville, NC 6:00  PM 704-435-6934

October  November