The Harvesters

2011 Concert Schedule

This schedule is tentative. All dates and times are subject to change. For booking information or before traveling long distances, please contact Danny Parker at 919-776-4055
4 Peoples Memorial Church 247 North NC Hwy 87           Burlington, NC 6:00 PM 336-584-3257
6 New Life Baptist Church 2075 Swift Creek Road   Smithfield, NC 10:30 AM 919-989-1808
6 Juniper Springs Baptist Church 852 Buckhorn Road       Broadway, NC 6:00 PM 919-258-3602
12 Antioch Baptist Church 130 1st Street                Albertville, AL 7:00 PM 256-878-4721
13 St. Clair Springs Baptist Church 2749 AL Highway 23     Springville, AL 2:00 PM 205-594-5173
17 Hickory Grove Baptist Church 6050 Hickory Grove Road  Charlotte, NC 12:00 PM 704-531-4000
18 Snow Hill High School 305 South Church Street     Snow Hill, MD 7:00 PM 919-776-4055
19 Deer Park Baptist Church 826 J Clyde Morris Blvd.  Newport News, VA 7:00 PM 757-596-9639
20 Ebenezer Baptist Church 10487 Harcum Road      Gloucester, VA 10:30 AM 757-868-9215
20 Hardy Central Baptist Church 4655 Darbytown Road  Richmond, VA 6:30 PM 804-795-1329
26 Fairview Baptist Church 349 Turnersburg Highway  Statesville, NC 6:00 PM 704-872-4246
27 Clearview Baptist Church 120 Clearview Street           Lexington, NC 10:30 AM 336-249-8716
27 Philadelphia Baptist Church 5515 North Church Street  Greensboro, NC 6:00 PM 336-288-9370

December  January