The Harvesters

2015 Concert Schedule

This schedule is tentative. All dates and times are subject to change. For booking information or before traveling long distances, please contact Danny Parker at 919-776-4055
1 Harmony Baptist Church 873 Highway 22S          Ramseur, NC 6:00     PM 336-824-3993
6 Maranatha Baptist Church rescheduled to April 24 7:30       PM 757-442-2501
7 Clover Hill Baptist Church 3100 Old Courthouse Rd Richmond, VA 7:00     PM 804-745-0660
8 Pioneer Baptist Church 3140 Darbytown Road    Richmond, VA 6:00    PM 804-795-1051
15 Emmanuel Baptist Church 1643 Mcrae Road         Camden, SC 10:30   AM 803-432-8751
15 Hartsville First Church of Nazarene 1909 W Bobo Newsom  Hartsville, SC 6:00     PM 803-332-2521
20 Parker Homecoming Celebration 1801 Nash Street             Sanford, NC  7:00      PM 919-776-4055
21 Parker Homecoming Celebration 1801 Nash Street          Sanford, NC 6:30    PM 919-776-4055
22 Bethel Friends Meeting 2519 Bethel Friends Rd. Asheboro, NC  6:30  PM 336-629-3211
27 Red Lane Baptist Church 2095 Red Lane Road  Powhatan, VA  7:30  PM 804-598-2455
28 Paramount Theater 128 East Front Street  Burlington, NC 7:00      PM 336-214-6625

 April   May